Thursday, March 29, 2007

Were you "BANGALORED"?

this is intresting.. im living in Bangalore
clipped from


Bangalored is a neologism used as a verb. Bangalored is used to indicate a layoff, often systemic, and usually due to corporate outsourcing of the business function to lower wage economies. The word is derived from Bangalore in India, which was one of the first places to outsource centers for Western economies.

It refers to people who have been laid off from a multinational company because their job has been moved to hostitlity in some countries, especially Britain and the United States and support in the countries which benefit). Bangalore is cited in particular because of its reputation as a high-tech city, and widely regarded as the Silicon Valley of India and it has benefited significantly from such outsourcing.

Some see it as an unfair slur on the image of the city, few of its residents see it as a proof of the domination of Bangalore in the outsourcing era.
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